Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cassidy vs. the City: the Almighty Thin Complex

The almighty thin complex. What is it? Well, what do you picture when someone say’s “supermodel?” Generally it’s a thin and tall beautiful woman (key word there, THIN.) Models who are in runway divisions or high fashion (in Wilhelmina these are called image or select) have the typical measurements of 23’ at the waist, a 32 bust, and a 34-35 inch hip. The height can be anywhere from 5’9 to 5’11.  Now, these girls are gorgeous don’t get me wrong, but they are intimidating. Walking into my agency, the walk around and look like goddesses! Then there’s me, 5’8.5 and a dress size of 10. I have curves and boobs and a butt and hips! How do I even compare to them when I look so different? This has been my thinking for the past week. I realized something though; even seemingly perfect models have insecurities, just like me and every other woman. I watch my roommates poke and prod at themselves every day worrying if they are gaining weight. It makes me sick thinking that they could not get any work for gaining a few pounds, even though I’m in awe of their beauty! I learned to appreciate that I can enjoy life, and eat wonderful food and not feel like crap about myself. I can be healthy and happy, while I do my dream career. I went to a dinner for our Curve Division. It was amazing, the women were all different shapes and sizes, but they all had this glowing inner beauty. I thought “that is a real woman.” I don’t have to be a size 2 to feel beautiful, look at how amazing they are. I was so inspired to really start living my life and loving myself.

On another note, it is not easy being here. Work will not come right away, you really have to get a lot of “no’s” before you get your first “yes!” I haven’t gotten my yes yet, but I know it’s coming and I know my hard work will pay off.. If you come to New York thinking you’ll make it right away, it probably won’t happen. Plan on working really hard to get your first break, it will take time but it’s worth it! Don’t give up your dreams, I’ve doubted myself all week but I know now that I can do it if I stick it out.

And lastly, heed my warning. I love making new friends. I’ve made great ones in the past week, but most of them are much older, which is great I can learn a lot. With their age comes the ability to go out at night and have long weekends. I admit I’ve been to a few clubs, it’s a completely different lifestyle and it’s wonderful to have fun and dance with friends but I will not let the idea of glamour and drinking and drugs consume me. At the end of the day, I’m here to make my dreams come true. I won’t jeopardize it with going down the wrong path in life. I agree it’s good to relieve stress and have fun every once and awhile, but don’t overdo it. Stay focused.

Until next time,

Photo by Michael Creagh.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cassidy vs. the City: Bring Socks!

I found the end all and be all advice to have for life this week. It’s two words that will change your life…bring socks. Do learn from me and always wear socks with closed toed shoes and never wear your heels for longer than you have to. If you run around in New York sans socks, you might end up with planet sized blisters on your feet like me. So, avoid limping and lagging thirty feet behind everyone by wearing socks and avoiding the devil’s punishment, blisters. Now, besides the foot trauma my first week here has been quite the culture shock. Being from a small town in Florida, I was not prepared for this.  I was picked up from the airport in a nice SUV and that was probably a highlight of my life. Everyone looks at you like you are an important celebrity or the president of something. The traffic was absolutely ridiculous; no one abides by the laws of driving here so it’s each man for himself. When I got dropped off at my apartment in Soho, I was kind of shocked. It was in between a psychic and a Chinese restaurant. It did not look like a suitable place for models to be living but never the less I went in and walked up three flights of stairs. The apartment was actually not that bad when I got inside. There are three bunk beds and one twin size bed. There was only one model living here when I arrived. Now there are four of us in the apartment. The apartment is equipped with a bathroom, couch, television, kitchen, and pet rat. (He’s been hiding since I’ve gotten here)
My first time going to the agency was the same day I arrived. I was forced to ride the almighty subway. Luckily, there’s a station right by the apartment. You enter this set of stairs going underground, like a dungeon. Then there’s a metro card kiosk where you put money on a card that gets you on the subway. It was pretty self-explanatory. Once I got on the subway and waited for my stop, it hit me that I was in New York City about to go to my modeling agency…that doesn’t happen! How did I manage to get this?
Once I got off at 23rd street, I got lost for the first time. It was really awesome having people stare at me while I walked up and down the same street. Finally, some kind woman (they exist!) pointed me in the direction of the office which was right in front of me the whole time! The agency has been great; they took care of all my questions and needs as soon as I got there. They gave me the ins and outs of castings and what my rates will be. I was told to always wear heels (hence my foot problem) to important castings and to the agency itself. Then, they told me my first casting was that same day, ten minutes before it was over. I ran down Madison half- knowing where I was going.

Castings are a much easier task than I thought. You arrive five to ten minutes early and dress pretty simply. You walk to the client with confidence and a bubbly personality, the goal is to make them  like you. You are your own business. They usually take digitals then say “thank you!” I haven’t had a bad experience with clients yet, but I know it will come soon. All in all, my first week has gone pretty well (minus the blisters). I’m looking forward to this journey even more now!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cassidy vs. the City: Packing will be the Death of Me!

So you want to be model, huh?  I guess that’s what I can call myself these days. It’s still a huge shock that I, a tall goofball, could actually be a model. My story isn’t very interesting as to how I got here, but I’ll share it anyway.
About a year ago, I threw caution to the wind and submitted some pictures to whom else but Wilhelmina Models, one of the hardest agencies to get into. They are among the likes of Ford, IMG, and Elite. They represent some of the most amazing women in the industry right now. I’ve never been one for risk-taking, always staying on the safe side. I honestly believed they would pass right over my email, but at least I gave it a shot. When I saw that I had a message from the Wilhelmina Miami Agency saying they would like to “meet me,” my heart palpated a few beats. Did they make a mistake? Surely they couldn’t want to see me! Turns out, there was no mistake; the staff at the Miami office saw something in my crappy phone selfies. 
I set up an appointment and dragged my mom along with me. She and I were a nervous wreck as I was taken into a back room to get measured and have digitals taken. As I was being measured, the woman looked at me and said “I know you are old enough to understand that you are not the correct size for the High Fashion area.” I felt like I had been crushed by a moving truck right then and there. But then she said, “However, you are perfect for our Curve Division.” I was confused, I thought plus size modeling was for older women who were a lot heavier. I was wrong! It just so happens that plus size is a size 10 and up! It’s crazy to think that an average size woman is “plus.” I had realized then that I should be proud of my curves and celebrate them. Just because I wasn’t a size 2 didn’t mean that I couldn’t achieve my dreams of being a model!
Needless to say, I did end up getting signed by the New York office. I was told that when I turned eighteen I would need to consider moving to the city. New York has a huge market for my division and I would have more opportunities there. Making the decision to move to the big apple haunted me for months. I knew it would be an amazing experience but let’s be honest, I’ve never lived on my own before and the funds to live in such an expensive place were non-existent. Thank god for my huge family, they decided to help me with my dream and support me while I get started.
This brings us up to now. In three days I will be leaving my little Florida hometown for the next three years to build my dream in New York. I am beyond nervous, but also excited to start fresh and experience all there is to offer in the modeling industry. I’ve heard all the downs of modeling, but I do know it offers girls amazing opportunities to travel and meet wonderful people. I’ll be living in a model apartment for three weeks while I get settled and do test shoots, meet with clients, etc. Now, I generally am a laid back and kind person but I am slightly scared of living with five other girls. I’m hoping to make friends instead of being in cat fights all the time. (Girls are vicious!) Other than that, there’s so much else to worry about like, how the heck does a subway work or how do I hail a taxi without looking like I’m having a seizure?!  I want to share all of these experiences with you, right down to the dirty truth about what goes on behind the scenes. I hope my journey is helpful to everyone interested in modeling or if you’re just looking for a laugh at my embarrassment (trust me; there’ll be plenty of that.)

            Can’t wait to speak soon!
               -Cassidy Roney 

"Cassidy vs. the City" is a blog series about model Cassidy Roney, who with little to no experience was signed to Wilhelmina models and moved to NYC after her 18th birthday. She shares her personal thoughts, opinions and behind the scenes "adventures" as she works and settles into Manhattan. Keep looking out for more from Cassidy with Slenderbread.

Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Tips for Setting Goals

Original Photo by Peterson Guerrier

Hey Slendees! Can you believe half of 2013 is gone already?? It seems this year has just been flying by! As we turn the corner into the second half of this year, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve in life. I am a big time dreamer and have high hopes for the future but know it takes more than just hoping that my dreams will come true, it takes actual work. Hard work. So, today I am writing down my goals for the next six months to help me work towards making my dreams come true.

As a teenager, my parents got me in the habit of goal setting. Every January we would write down my goals for the year. It seemed a little dorky at the time but by setting goals I was able to achieve what sometimes seemed like the unachievable. So, here are

5 Tips for Setting Goals

1. Write It Down.
Whether it's in a journal, on your cell phone or written in lipstick on your bathroom mirror, the first thing to do when setting goals is to write down your goals. We make promises to ourselves mentally all the time, but how often do we actually keep those mental promises? Writing down your goals makes them real and encourages you to work harder and do better.

2. Be Specific.
It's important when writing down your goals that you are specific as to exactly what you want to achieve. When you are vague, you are less likely to push yourself and limit your growth. Goals are about growing so don't ever be afraid to push yourself! So, for example, instead of writing down "I want to get good grades in school," decide on a specific GPA that you feel is attainable. Commit to your goal by writing down "I will get a 3.5 GPA in school."

3. Set Deadlines.
After you have decided on a specific goal, give yourself a deadline to meet that goal. By setting a deadline, you are again pushing yourself to grow. Set reasonable deadlines that you know you can meet. For instance, losing two inches around your hips in 24 hours is not reasonable and not recommended. You also wouldn't need six months to lose those two inches either. Decide on a specific date or timeframe and include it when writing down your goal. For example, you could write down "I will lose two inches around my hips in two months."

4. Create A Plan & Track Your Progress.
Once you have your goal written down, you can then create a plan to achieve your goal. Goals don't achieve themselves, you actually have to work towards them! So create a plan that you know you can follow. If your goal is to save $1,000 in three months so you can go on a Caribbean cruise for Spring Break, break down that goal into smaller goals that you can meet. So, over 12 weeks you would need to save about $84 each week or $12 a day. Make sure to keep track of your progress weekly so you can gage where you are at meeting your goal and if you need to make any adjustments to your plan. Sometimes you might even meet your goal earlier than expected!

5. Acknowledge and Reward Accomplishment.
The best part about setting goals is achieving them! That feeling when all your hard work finally pays off is indescribable. Embrace the excitement of achieving your goal by jumping up and down, instagramming your elated expression, or maybe by eating an ice cream cone! Whatever you choose to do, acknowledge the hard work you put in to accomplishing your goal. Now that you know what it takes, you can set your next goal!

Why Goal Setting Is Important for Models...
Goal setting can be applied to any aspect of life but for the life of a model setting goals is one of the best ways you can take your career to the next level. You can't depend on just your agency to book you jobs, hair and makeup to make you look flawless, or the photographer to photoshop your imperfections. YOU have to put in the work to make yourself the very best that you can be. It's not an easy job and it takes a highly committed individual to be a successful model. But, by setting goals for yourself, you will be able to better focus on what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, create a plan and work hard! You can do it!!!

May the fierce be with you!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Goodwill Goes Glam!"

Aloha Slendees! I am a huge fan of thrift and consignment shopping so when I heard about "Goodwill Goes Glam!" I was immediately intrigued! Goodwill Hawaii has created a four day event that not only celebrates fashion but also highlights all of the great things Goodwill does for the community such as providing skills training, employment counseling, job placement and support services. This year's event will be held at the Neal S. Blaisdell Exhibition Hall September 19th-22nd, 2013. 

The opening night of "Goodwill Goes Glam!" is The Gala Evening, which includes a fashion show styled with clothing and accessories all from Goodwill. I was able to attend the final model casting for the fashion show this past Saturday and met many of the models that will be walking in the show. The models varied in heights and ages but what they all had in common was a love for Goodwill. That love for Goodwill is what Amanda Stevens, producer of the fashion show, looked for when she booked the models.

Randie Lunn & I with a few of the models outside Hawaii Fashion Incubator

I chatted with Amanda prior to the casting and we talked about how models are often referred to as "hangers." I don't know if it bothers you, but we both dislike the term and agreed that models are much more than hangers.

Hangers are for hanging clothes. 
Models bring out the essence of clothes. 

At the casting, Amanda shared this same insight with her models. To avoid feeling like hangers, Amanda encouraged her models to think of one word to portray as they walked the runway. This one word would encompass everything about the outfit the model would be wearing on the runway. I demonstrated my walk first and because I was wearing a long, aloha print dress chose the word "Aloha" to portray. I then worked with each of the models on their walks and shared with them some runway tips and tricks to help prepare them for their show. By the end of our practice inhibitions had melted away and the models had a newfound confidence :)

Amanda's suggestion of picking one word to envision and portray works great! It really focuses you as a model and gives you a purpose on the runway. Try it the next time you're in a fashion show!

2012 Goodwill Goes Glam! "The Elements of Goodwill" Fashion Show

If you will be in Hawaii in September make sure you support this great fashion event! Also, if you are participating in a fashion event with a great cause let me know! I'd love to share about it on the blog :)

May the fierce be with you!


Friday, May 31, 2013

2013 Summer Issue Countdown in Hawaii

Aloha Slendees! This week I've been counting down the days til the release of our 2013 summer issue by visiting some of my favorite spots on Oahu. I grew up here on the island of Oahu on the Windward side of the island in Kailua but my family moved to the Leeward side of the island to Kapolei when I was a junior in high school. No matter where I've lived since leaving the islands, Hawaii has and always will be my home.

The Slenderbread Magazine 
2013 Summer Issue Countdown

Monday I ventured to Kailua with my brother and found a bustling town of new stores and upgraded buildings along side several long time businesses I remember from my childhood. Our first stop was Island Snow - a surf shop that also sells the best shave ice in Kailua. It's so good even President Obama's been there! I ordered a li hing mui lilikoi shave ice with azuki beans and ice cream. (Suggestion: when ordering shave ice in Hawaii definitely request azuki beans and ice cream. It may sound weird but it is so incredibly fantastic!) We took our shave ice to Kailua Beach just down the road to enjoy. It was a perfect day to be at the beach as the water was calm and the sun was brilliant. Tourists and locals alike were kayaking, paddle boarding, sun bathing and splashing around in the water. It brought back so many wonderful memories of my childhood I could not stop smiling :)

Tuesday my brother and I visited the Pali Lookout which overlooks the Ko'olau Mountains and the Windward side of the island. At over a thousand feet above the coastline, the Pali Lookout is usually quite windy, but to my disappointment it was only mildly windy on Tuesday. The lookout didn't completely disappoint though as the view was spectacular. Tourists flock to the Pali Lookout not only for its breathtaking views but also because of its deep historical significance. The Battle of Nuuanu took place at what is now the Pali Lookout in 1795 and was won by King Kamehameha I who eventually united the Hawaiian islands into one royal kingdom in 1810.


Wednesday my brother and I took an early drive out to the North Shore to visit Pipeline at dawn. Pipeline is a popular surf spot for top professional surfers from around the world (which makes people watching there a sport in itself! ;)). Competitions like Pipe Masters are held there annually and are amazing to watch. The waves can get really, and I mean really, big there but we ended up there on a completely flat day. Without the waves and with only a handful of people on the beach, Pipeline was serene and peaceful, a nice change to what I'm used to there.

Thursday I decided I wanted to visit the Blowhole and took my brother along with me again. I remember being so amazed by the Blowhole as a child and to this day it still excites me. Basically, when waves crash against that part of the shore, they are pushed through lava tubes and then sprayed high into the air. It's so cool to see in person! Just around the corner of the Blowhole is Sandy Beach where we also stopped so my brother could get in some boogie boarding and I could work on my tan ;)


Today I figured I needed to do something super cool and chose jumping off the Rock at Waimea Bay to conclude my countdown around the island. The Rock at its highest point is about 25 feet high making the jump into the ocean truly exhilarating. I am kinda clumsy and have an interesting history of ER visits, but figured I had a 90% chance of being just fine. It can be confirmed that I survived the jump in one piece ;)

Make sure you visit the Slenderbread Magazine website to order your copy of the summer issue out June 1st!

May the fierce be with you!


**A special mahalo to my brother Andrew who traveled with me around the island and took all my photos! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

5 Ways to Honor Memorial Day

Photographer Richard Phibbs for Sport&Style

Hey Slendees! This Memorial Day I am grateful for those who have died in service of our country. I am especially grateful for those families who have supported and sacrificed while their loved ones humbly served. We enjoy many freedoms here in the states and it wouldn't be possible without the dedicated men and women who have served our country diligently. So mahalo! Thank you!

In remembrance of the men and women who have died in the service of our country, here are

5 Ways to Honor Memorial Day

1. Get Dressed Up!
I love a good reason to dress up and holidays are always a great reason! This Memorial Day be inspired by military fashion and suit up in pieces like a military jacket, neutral booties, tailored khaki, anything and everything camo, or even a pair of aviator sunglasses. You could also go red, white and blue with your outfit in a ton of different ways. Whatever you choose, get creative!

2. Attend A Local Event
Whether you've planned a mini vacay out of town or you're shacking up in town, check your local listings for Memorial Day events near you! Parades are always fun, restaurants sometimes have cookouts and specials, and there are always great sales on Memorial Day. Don't forget to support your local businesses!

3. Visit A Graveyard
My family has a long tradition of visiting and decorating our families grave sites on Memorial Day. If graveyards freak you out, you could always go through old family albums or videos. The important thing is to remember and connect with those who have past on.

4. Round Up The Troops
Schools out and most don't have to work on Memorial Day so it's a great time to gather family and friends for a backyard barbecue or a day at the beach. Enjoy some good food and great company and be grateful that you have friends and family that love and support you :)

5. Get Crafty
Just wanna enjoy the comfort of your own home? Get patriotically crafty with a DIY project. For some ideas check out my Memorial Day DIY Projects Pintrest Board.

May the fierce be with you!
