Monday, July 8, 2013

Cassidy vs. the City: Packing will be the Death of Me!

So you want to be model, huh?  I guess that’s what I can call myself these days. It’s still a huge shock that I, a tall goofball, could actually be a model. My story isn’t very interesting as to how I got here, but I’ll share it anyway.
About a year ago, I threw caution to the wind and submitted some pictures to whom else but Wilhelmina Models, one of the hardest agencies to get into. They are among the likes of Ford, IMG, and Elite. They represent some of the most amazing women in the industry right now. I’ve never been one for risk-taking, always staying on the safe side. I honestly believed they would pass right over my email, but at least I gave it a shot. When I saw that I had a message from the Wilhelmina Miami Agency saying they would like to “meet me,” my heart palpated a few beats. Did they make a mistake? Surely they couldn’t want to see me! Turns out, there was no mistake; the staff at the Miami office saw something in my crappy phone selfies. 
I set up an appointment and dragged my mom along with me. She and I were a nervous wreck as I was taken into a back room to get measured and have digitals taken. As I was being measured, the woman looked at me and said “I know you are old enough to understand that you are not the correct size for the High Fashion area.” I felt like I had been crushed by a moving truck right then and there. But then she said, “However, you are perfect for our Curve Division.” I was confused, I thought plus size modeling was for older women who were a lot heavier. I was wrong! It just so happens that plus size is a size 10 and up! It’s crazy to think that an average size woman is “plus.” I had realized then that I should be proud of my curves and celebrate them. Just because I wasn’t a size 2 didn’t mean that I couldn’t achieve my dreams of being a model!
Needless to say, I did end up getting signed by the New York office. I was told that when I turned eighteen I would need to consider moving to the city. New York has a huge market for my division and I would have more opportunities there. Making the decision to move to the big apple haunted me for months. I knew it would be an amazing experience but let’s be honest, I’ve never lived on my own before and the funds to live in such an expensive place were non-existent. Thank god for my huge family, they decided to help me with my dream and support me while I get started.
This brings us up to now. In three days I will be leaving my little Florida hometown for the next three years to build my dream in New York. I am beyond nervous, but also excited to start fresh and experience all there is to offer in the modeling industry. I’ve heard all the downs of modeling, but I do know it offers girls amazing opportunities to travel and meet wonderful people. I’ll be living in a model apartment for three weeks while I get settled and do test shoots, meet with clients, etc. Now, I generally am a laid back and kind person but I am slightly scared of living with five other girls. I’m hoping to make friends instead of being in cat fights all the time. (Girls are vicious!) Other than that, there’s so much else to worry about like, how the heck does a subway work or how do I hail a taxi without looking like I’m having a seizure?!  I want to share all of these experiences with you, right down to the dirty truth about what goes on behind the scenes. I hope my journey is helpful to everyone interested in modeling or if you’re just looking for a laugh at my embarrassment (trust me; there’ll be plenty of that.)

            Can’t wait to speak soon!
               -Cassidy Roney 

"Cassidy vs. the City" is a blog series about model Cassidy Roney, who with little to no experience was signed to Wilhelmina models and moved to NYC after her 18th birthday. She shares her personal thoughts, opinions and behind the scenes "adventures" as she works and settles into Manhattan. Keep looking out for more from Cassidy with Slenderbread.

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