Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Tips for Setting Goals

Original Photo by Peterson Guerrier

Hey Slendees! Can you believe half of 2013 is gone already?? It seems this year has just been flying by! As we turn the corner into the second half of this year, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve in life. I am a big time dreamer and have high hopes for the future but know it takes more than just hoping that my dreams will come true, it takes actual work. Hard work. So, today I am writing down my goals for the next six months to help me work towards making my dreams come true.

As a teenager, my parents got me in the habit of goal setting. Every January we would write down my goals for the year. It seemed a little dorky at the time but by setting goals I was able to achieve what sometimes seemed like the unachievable. So, here are

5 Tips for Setting Goals

1. Write It Down.
Whether it's in a journal, on your cell phone or written in lipstick on your bathroom mirror, the first thing to do when setting goals is to write down your goals. We make promises to ourselves mentally all the time, but how often do we actually keep those mental promises? Writing down your goals makes them real and encourages you to work harder and do better.

2. Be Specific.
It's important when writing down your goals that you are specific as to exactly what you want to achieve. When you are vague, you are less likely to push yourself and limit your growth. Goals are about growing so don't ever be afraid to push yourself! So, for example, instead of writing down "I want to get good grades in school," decide on a specific GPA that you feel is attainable. Commit to your goal by writing down "I will get a 3.5 GPA in school."

3. Set Deadlines.
After you have decided on a specific goal, give yourself a deadline to meet that goal. By setting a deadline, you are again pushing yourself to grow. Set reasonable deadlines that you know you can meet. For instance, losing two inches around your hips in 24 hours is not reasonable and not recommended. You also wouldn't need six months to lose those two inches either. Decide on a specific date or timeframe and include it when writing down your goal. For example, you could write down "I will lose two inches around my hips in two months."

4. Create A Plan & Track Your Progress.
Once you have your goal written down, you can then create a plan to achieve your goal. Goals don't achieve themselves, you actually have to work towards them! So create a plan that you know you can follow. If your goal is to save $1,000 in three months so you can go on a Caribbean cruise for Spring Break, break down that goal into smaller goals that you can meet. So, over 12 weeks you would need to save about $84 each week or $12 a day. Make sure to keep track of your progress weekly so you can gage where you are at meeting your goal and if you need to make any adjustments to your plan. Sometimes you might even meet your goal earlier than expected!

5. Acknowledge and Reward Accomplishment.
The best part about setting goals is achieving them! That feeling when all your hard work finally pays off is indescribable. Embrace the excitement of achieving your goal by jumping up and down, instagramming your elated expression, or maybe by eating an ice cream cone! Whatever you choose to do, acknowledge the hard work you put in to accomplishing your goal. Now that you know what it takes, you can set your next goal!

Why Goal Setting Is Important for Models...
Goal setting can be applied to any aspect of life but for the life of a model setting goals is one of the best ways you can take your career to the next level. You can't depend on just your agency to book you jobs, hair and makeup to make you look flawless, or the photographer to photoshop your imperfections. YOU have to put in the work to make yourself the very best that you can be. It's not an easy job and it takes a highly committed individual to be a successful model. But, by setting goals for yourself, you will be able to better focus on what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, create a plan and work hard! You can do it!!!

May the fierce be with you!


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